The title is " observational exercise on nanoscale size estimation"
Take a look atour javascript nanostructure explorerLinks to an external site. on a platform of your choice. Use this linkjavascript nanostructure-explorer linked here
(I need a report + images of the the work with an explanation of each step plus the calculation) as well as "Specimen size and shape" andMagnification"
Assuming that the field width of the direct space images on the left are all 112.9 Angstroms, determine the physical magnification of the image on your device(s) or on printouts therefrom. This may require using a ruler. If you get the chance, try using this information to also estimate a characteristic dimension for each of the 7 unknown specimens (numbered 0 through 6) presently available. I'll set up a discussion board forum for you to discuss your findings
There are some images down below i need something like that but with different result