
objectiveusing c string classes constructors and


Using C++ string, classes, constructors and member functions.

Task A
Write a program (book.cpp) to store a list of book titles and the published dates. Your program is to read in an array of book titles and published dates. The student should declare a class called book with two members: book title and published date.

Your program shall perform the following:
1. Prompt user to enter the book title and the published date.
2. The program should be designed to allow the user to key in 10 entries and they should be stored in an array of structures.
3. A function printbook should be written for the 10 entries of book titles and published dates to be printed out on the screen.
4. Correctly identify invalid user input

Task B

Write a program (room.cpp) to create a room class which allows the user to set the length and width of the room as well as the colour of the room. The user can also display the room's area and colour on the screen.

The program should include the following:
• The room class consists of 3 variables: length, width and colour.
• The room class should have a function area to calculate the room area based on the length and width inputs.
• Two instances or objects: rooma and roomb of the room class should be created.
• Use constructor and destructor for the room class.
• rooma object should be declared and 3 arguments should be passed on. They are: length=5, width=4 and colour=green.
• roomb object was declared without any arguments, which initialised both length and height with a value of 4 and colour=white.
• The program should print out the area and colour of the objects (rooma and roomb).

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C/C++ Programming: objectiveusing c string classes constructors and
Reference No:- TGS0206349

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