
Objectives of the harlem renaissance artists

Based on the described response, whatwere the objectives of the Harlem Renaissance artists? What were they trying to accomplish? 50 Words

In Countee Cullen's masterpiece Heritage an avid reader can definitely find the existence of the notion of double consciousness which was made popular by Du Bois. The dilemma of being an African and an American who is not wholly accepted by the white populace of America has made its way into the poem Heritage meticulously. There are several lines in the poem which definitely point out the pathetic condition of almost all the African Americans during the Harlem Renaissance period who were not ready to sacrifice their African heritage and were not in a social position to accept being Americans as it was America in which they did lose their entire entity and transformed into beings who are neither blacks nor whites. But in my opinion, today's black generation of the U.S. is more American than being African and today's America is a democratic and cosmopolitan country where every citizen, irrespective of their ethnic origin, is American. And hence, the notion as depicted in Heritage is not so relevant to the American populace of this 21st century.


Kirby, D. K. (1971). On "Heritage". Welcome to English « Department of English, College of LAS, University of Illinois. Retrieved September 4, 2012, from


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