
Objectives - develop and deploy the solutionsmart

Enabling objectives

1. You will acquire skills and knowledge to develop and deploy a smart application

2. Learn to justify the appropriateness of the solution after deployment based on design and deployment plan

3. Learn to evaluate appropriate cloud services for a specific develop and deployment need

General Information

The purpose of this assignment is to develop and deploy the solution/smart application you proposed in your assignment two and submit a short report to show develop and deploy process and difficulties you encountered.

By doing this assignment, you will learn to use a planning document to develop and deploy smart application in cloud. In this activity, you require to combine different cloud services from a cloud provider to develop and deploy a smart application

The assignment require you to do the following -

- Read your assignment two report and feedbacks on it given by the marker

- Based on the solution you have proposed and feedback you have received from your tutor in assignment two, develop a smart application in Bluemix and deploy it

- Prepare a development and deployment manual

You are required to submit a written report in a single Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) document. There is no word limit but any unnecessary information included in the report may cause negative marking.

The report must contain following sections (and feel free to add one or more sections if necessary):

- Cover page/title page, Table of contents and abstract
- Introduction
- Web Link to access your application and login details of your Bluemix account.
- Step by step develop and deployment process

o All major steps should have screenshot
- Difficulties you have faced during develop and deployment. How did you overcome those difficulties
- Conclusion
- References

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: Objectives - develop and deploy the solutionsmart
Reference No:- TGS01649375

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