
Objectivenbspthis homework assignment is to help you think

Introduction to Civil & Environmental Engineering

Objective: This homework assignment is to help you think about the Incident at Morales video. There isn’t a single “right answer” for the questions. These questions are intended on helping you think about the video1.       
List the ethical issues you observed in Incident at Morales. From your personal perspective, prioritize these ethical issues from most critical to least critical.
2.        Discuss the video from three additional perspectives:
a.        Fred’s Perspective (assume you are Fred):

i.         What specific ethical issues does Fred face?

ii.        What are some things that Fred should consider?

iii.      From whom or where would you seek guidance?

b.        Wally’s Perspective (assume you are Wally):

i.         What specific ethical issues does Wally face?

ii.        What do you think Wally’s motivation was for having “One Rule?”

iii.      What do you think about Wally’s “One Rule?”

iv.      What decisions would you change if you were Wally?

c.        Responsibility Perspective (if you were in charge and had the authority and the funding to make any changes you wanted to make in company policies):

i.         What specific steps would you take to improve the company culture?

ii.        Who would you involve in this process?

iii.      How and when would you communicate the company policies to the following:

1.        Your employees?

2.        Your clients?

3.        The public?

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Civil Engineering: Objectivenbspthis homework assignment is to help you think
Reference No:- TGS01188387

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