
Objective your objective is to gain experience in

Question: Effectively Leading a Work Group

Objective: Your objective is to gain experience in effectively leading a group of employees who have varying levels of ability and motivation. Procedure Assume the role of Maria Cuellar, who has just been promoted to the position of supervisor of a group of four employees who create designs for wallpaper. The group's goal is to create imaginative and best-selling wallpaper designs. Cuellar is excited but apprehensive about assuming her first real leadership position. As a former member of this group, she has had ample opportunity to observe some of her new subordinates' (and former group members') on-the-job behaviors. Each person brings different strengths and weaknesses to his or her job. Ralph Katten can turn out highly creative (and occasionally) best-selling designs if he tries. But often, he does not try; he seems to daydream a lot and not take his work seriously. Elisa Martinez is a hard employee who does an acceptable job; her designs are not particularly noteworthy but are not bad either. Karen Parker is new to the group and is still learning the ins and outs of wallpaper design. Tracy McGuire is an above-average performer; her designs are good, and she turns out a fair number of them.

1. Using the knowledge you have gained from this chapter (e.g., about the behavior approach, path-goal theory, and leader-member exchange theory), describe the steps Maria Cuellar should take to effectively lead this group of wallpaper designers. Should she use the same approach with each of her subordinates, or should her leadership approach differ depending on the subordinate involved?

2. The class divides into groups of three to five people, and each group appoints one member as spokesperson, to present the group's recommendations to the whole class.

3. Group members take turns describing the steps Cuellar should take to be an effective leader.

4. Group members compare and contrast the different leadership approaches that Cuellar might take and assess their advantages and disadvantages.

5. Group members decide what advice to give Maria Cuellar to help her be an effective leader of the four designers. When the group has completed those activities, the spokesperson will present the group's recommendations to the whole class.

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Management Theories: Objective your objective is to gain experience in
Reference No:- TGS02327807

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