
Objective the purpose of this set of labs is to gain an

Objective: The purpose of this set of labs is to gain an understanding in Arduino programming, and capabilities. Students take an Arduino and program it to carry out different functions depending on the specifications of the lab.

Purpose Statement and brief background. This section will be 2-3 sentences. The objective if is basically a "super-brief" abstract.

Procedure: In depth procedures with coding theory and all necessary background information. Explain why you wrote the code the way you did and what the commands are actually doing. Procedure and Objective sections should not be more than 2 pages. Code: Last page of memo. Provide a screen shot of your code in the Arduino program with annotations describing the function of every line of code. Annotations must be unique for each student. Annotations must be done in the Arduino software. Arduino software is free so download to personal laptop is preferred. DO NOT make any formatting; brief and bland. There is no page limit and must contain all coding. Coding cannot be imported from Arduino to text file. Pictures or figures MUST be a screenshot of the Arduino window and code. **Screenshot and crop or use snipping tool**.

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Mechanical Engineering: Objective the purpose of this set of labs is to gain an
Reference No:- TGS01255086

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