
Objective of the business case report is to develop your


The Business Case Report

The objective of the business case report is to develop your ability to convincingly argue a business case, which is a key function of business development.

To successfully complete the business case document your group is required to undertake the following activities:

• Identify for whom and/or for which organisation you will be writing the business case document. (You should choose people and/or an organisation that at least one person in your group knows a lot about, such as a group member's current or past employer. Alternatively, you may choose people and organisations that are written about regularly in the business press, as there should be lots of publicly available information about them.)

• Identify an innovation that your group believes could be reasonably discussed as the subject of the business case. The innovation you choose should have the potential to be developed sustainably over a commercially viable period of time.

• Consider and evaluate the possible business models that could be used to realise the opportunities inherent in the innovation.

• Develop the business case document based on the business template provided in class. This will require you to write a business case with five separate sections: 1) The problem; 2) Benefits; 3) Strategic response; 4) Project options analysis; and 5) Delivery of recommended solution

Students will have the opportunity to work on the business case document in class from Week 6/during the second intensive study block. Each group is required to demonstrate both scholarly independence and academic integrity in undertaking all steps of the business case development process. Students are required to base their analyses on data that is reasonably and ethically sourced, and to use assumptions that can be justified in a commercial setting.

Responsibility for structuring, coordinating, and managing processes to finalise the business case lies with each team. Teams are encouraged to work with content beyond Tidd & Bessant (2013) and Ostervalder & Pinger 2013. Teams must take charge and deliver a business case capable of convincing key or principal stakeholders that a return is assured.

You should have at least 10 refereed journal articles, appropriate justification or mathematical models (such as, Wolfram alpha), and business development issues specific to the problem or need expressed.


Title Page

Letter of Transmittal

Executive summary/abstract/synopsis

Table of Contents

List of Tables and Figures







Appendices (each appendix on a separate, labelled page)

Reference List

Report writing with good format and also with 12 refrencing cquharvard refrencing.

2000 words

12 references

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Business Management: Objective of the business case report is to develop your
Reference No:- TGS01260673

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