The Topic is on Obesity and the community involved is the Prince Georges county in Maryland.
Introduction: Selecting a Community
• Description of health community
• Explanation of a health problem in that community
• Explanation of the interrelationship of contributing factors relating to the problem
• Two potential solutions to the problem
• Plan for community health assessment
o Identify stakeholders to be included in your community health assessment plan and explain why they should be involved.
o Describe the stakeholders' potential roles and responsibilities in the assessment.
o Develop goals for the community health assessment plan and explain why you selected these goals.
o Describe three or four types of data that you might collect to further the goals of the plan, and explain why.
o Describe the methods of data collection you might use in your plan and explain why you would use them.
• Community health profiles
Include a summary of the following:
o Recent local, state, and regional quantitative sociodemographic, morbidity, and mortality data
o Recent national or international quantitative sociodemographic, morbidity, and mortality data
o Recent local, state, and regional quantitative data related to one factor contributing to the identified problem
o The relevancy of these findings to the problem you identified
• Determining relevant assets
By Day 7, create an asset map that includes the following:
o Describe the primary community assets available in your Scholar-Practitioner Project community and explain why they are relevant.
o Select three assets you identified. Explain how you might integrate the asset into a potential community health assessment and public health promotion program that would address the problem you selected for your Scholar-Practitioner Project.
o Use Resources and current literature to support your response.
• The focus group protocol
o Describe a subgroup from your community (include relevant demographics such as gender, socioeconomic status, age).
o Restate the public health problem in the community health profile you created .
o Create six questions for the focus group related to the identified public health problem (e.g., contributing factors, potential solutions, assets available to solve the problem).
o Describe methods you would use for recruiting participants and collecting and managing the data. Explain why these methods would be effective.
o Create a brief (two-paragraph) consent form that summarizes the reason for the focus group, procedures to be followed, participants' rights, and procedures for maintaining confidentiality.
• Survey protocol
The protocol should include the following:
o A brief set of objectives for the survey
o Describe the population you would sample and explain why.
o Describe your data collection method you might use and explain why.
o Describe your data analysis method and explain why.
• Applying evidence-based solutions to the problem
o One evidence-based solution you might use to address the public health problem you identified for your Scholar-Practitioner Project community health assessment
o A rationale for your choice of this solution
o An explanation of how you could determine the feasibility of this solution
o An explanation of how this evidence-based solution might be integrated into your Scholar-Practitioner Project