
O utilitarianism - discuss pleasure utility as the final

Topics for Paper-

1. On Utilitarianism

Discuss pleasure (utility) as the final good of utilitarian ethics. Present Bentham's model of pleasures as quantifiable experiences, which differ only in 'amount' or 'quantity'. Contrast this view with the more elaborate position of J.S. Mill on pleasures different in quality. Why does Mill distinguish between different kinds of pleasure ('lower' and 'higher')? What criterion does he propose to judge differences in the quality of pleasures?

2. On Kantian Ethics

Formulate the two main versions of the Categorical Imperative from the "Duty and Reason" article, and give examples of how the 'treating as ends' and the `universalizability test' formulations are supposed to work in practice. Discuss in details several of Kant's own examples (e.g., false-promise, suicide, etc), and critically examine whether the 'test for maxims' is equally successful in all cases.

3. On Aristotelian Virtue Ethics

Address the objection that virtue ethics, as presented by Aristotle (and Hursthouse), is useless in making practical decisions or solving the moral dilemmas. Is it true that virtue ethics fails to provide any guidance for particular choices? Defend virtue ethics against this objection OR present arguments to the effect that virtue ethics is beyond help on this issue, and thus should be supplemented by something else (e.g., a utilitarian standard). Do your best to present all sides fairly and assess their arguments critically.

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