
nutrition assessmentthe nutritional care process

Nutrition Assessment

The nutritional care process, you would realize, begins with nutritional assessment. Nutrition  assessment  is  the  evaluation  of  an individual's nutritional  status  and nutrient  requirements.  It  is a  systematic  process of  obtaining,  verifying, and interpreting  data  in  order  to  make decisions about the nature  and  cause  of nutrition-related problems. It is  an ongoing, dynamic process that  involves  not only initial data collection, but also  continual reassessment and analysis of patients/clients/ groups needs. The purpose of  nutrition assessment is to:

Obtain adequate information in order to identify nutrition-related problems,

Define accurately an individual's nutritional status,

Determine the level of nutritional support that individuals need, and

Monitor changes in the nutritional status and the effect of nutritional intervention.


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Biology: nutrition assessmentthe nutritional care process
Reference No:- TGS0303842

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