
Nutrient breakdowns for both meals

Your first assignment is to select two McDonald’s meals utilizing the site listed above. One meal composed of foods that you would choose if nutrition were of no concern, and one meal composed of foods you thought were healthful.

You are to copy and paste the nutrient breakdowns for both meals into a WORD document, and write a few paragraphs about your observations of what you learned about the nutritional content of the meals you chose.

Keep in mind that the average adult needs only 2000 calories a day.

Part Two:

Next, go to the following website:


Click on the SuperTracker icon.

You may personalize your experience by creating your profile and get a plan tailored for you or just click on the Food Tracker icon.

Using the worksheet screen, record everything you have eaten for the day, then click on the My Reports tab and choose the Food Details Report, the Food Groups & Calories Report and the Nutrients Report – print copies.

Using the recommended serving sizes, determine how many servings of each group you have consumed and determine the proper number of portions you should be having from each group. Compare the suggestions to your intake utilizing the form.

Write 2-3 paragraphs on whatever insight you have gained on your eating habits.

Part Three:

And finally, cut and paste the following Food Safety Quiz into a WORD document. Take the quiz, and then include a brief summary of your personal food safety habits.

Would Your Kitchen Habits Pass a Food Safety Inspection?

August, 2006

By Kitty Broihier, M.S., R.D.

Whether you’re a kitchen novice or know-it-all, chances are your food safety practices could use a brush-up. Take EN’s quiz to help you clean up your act.

1. My fridge temperature is:

a. 40° F or less.

b. Between 45° F and 50° F.

c. How should I know?

2. To keep my hands clean during food preparation:

a. I wash them with soap and water before I start and when I’m done.

b. I wash my hands with soap and warm water before I start and after handling raw meat, poultry or fish.

c. I wipe them on the kitchen towel.

3. When I clean my kitchen counters:

a. I use a commercial kitchen sanitizing spray and paper towels.

b. I rinse out a sponge or kitchen cloth before and after I clean the counters.

c. I just brush off the crumbs… bacteria, what bacteria?

4. When cooking meat, I can tell it’s done:

a. By cutting into it, poking it or checking the color of the juices.

b. By using an instant-read thermometer.

c. By how long it’s been cooking and how it looks—I’m experienced!

5. When grilling meat, I put cooked food:

a. On a clean plate.

b. On the same plate I used for the raw meat…why get two plates dirty?

c. On whatever plate someone hands me—does it matter?

6. When I throw a party:

a. The menu is potluck, arriving with my guests and is out for the duration.

b. Every two hours I toss out food that’s been out and replace with fresh.

c. The food is catered and of such high quality it doesn’t spoil.

7. I toss leftovers out:

a. After a week.

b. After three or four days.

c. Once they smell bad or grow fuzz.

8. When I drink out of a can:

a. I wish I’d used a glass.

b. I rinse the can before opening it.

c. Duh! I just open it and drink it.

9. The kinds of fruit I wash include:

a. Anything “ready to eat” like grapes, apples and pears.

b. Everything except for fruit with peels or rinds, like oranges or melons.

c. All fruit; who knows where it’s been?

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