
Nursing literature citation

Nursing Literature Citation Assignment
FS NURS 1300 Introduction to Professional Nursing

The purpose of this homework is to introduce you to APA style, as you will be required to use this format for all of your papers in the College of Nursing.

Part 1 - Scholarly Article

1. Locate the name of a professional journal related to the area of nursing you are working on for your Exploring Nursing Project.

2. Find one scholarly article related to your topic and read it.

3. Below, type the reference to your article in correct APA style.

4. In addition, type a 2-3 sentence summary of the article you read. At the end of your summary, cite the author and publication date in APA style.

Part 2 - Professional Organization Website

1. Locate the web-page of a professional nursing organization related to the area of nursing you are working on for your Exploring Nursing Project. For example, if you are exploring the role of the nursing administrator, you might look at the web page for the American Organization of Nurse Executives. (Note: hospitals and other agencies that employ nurses are not professional organizations. A professional organization will usually have the word "organization" or "association" in its title.)

2. Find the organization's mission statement. The mission statement is usually a single sentence that communicates the purpose of the organization. You may have to explore the organization web site a little bit to find the mission statement. There may be a clearly labeled "Mission and Vision" page. If not, most organization web sites have a page labeled "About."

3. Below, type the reference to the mission statement in proper APA format, using the rules for citing a web page. (Hint: the name of the organization is probably the author.)

4. Type the mission statement. This will be a direct quote, so use quotation marks. Follow the typed statement with correct in-text citation (Author, date, page or paragraph number.)

A word about plagiarism: When you submit homework to an instructor, you are saying, "Unless I have noted otherwise with a citation, this is my own original work; these are my own words and my own original ideas." Reading the article, understanding it, interpreting it, and creating a summary in your own words is part of the work of learning. Using someone else's words is like saying "I did this work" when you really didn't. Use this assignment as an opportunity to work on your skills of reading and summarizing.

Resources for APA format are available on Blackboard, under 'Student Resources', and are listed below:

Nursing Literature Citation Grading Rubric
Name: Date:

Criteria Grade Comments
Article reference typed in APA style 25%
Article summarized and cited in APA style 25%
Reference for the mission statement of a professional nursing organization from the organization web page typed in APA style 25%
Professional organization mission statement quoted and cited in APA style 25%

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English: Nursing literature citation
Reference No:- TGS0917579

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