
Nurs6351 as a role model for your learners under our charge

Discussion Response : Ethical and Legal Parameters for Nurse Educators

Respond to the discussion below using the following approaches:

1. Respond by proposing strategies for minimizing and managing ethical challenges.

2. Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information or research.


As a role model for your learners under our charge, Nurse Educators must be cognizant of the behaviors that they exhibit. We understand that many of the ethical challenges in education are very similar to the challenges that we face in our nurse-patient encounters, so we have a cognitive framework to build from. As with our patients, our relationships with our students must be rooted in mutual respect and open communication in order for meaningful dialogue to progress.

In this vein, consider the nursing student who forgets to give a scheduled mediation on time, gives it late, then charts that it was given on time. This ethical lapse in judgement on the part of the student occurs often and must be dealt with by the nurse educator. Krueger (2014) completed a study of nursing student's engagement in dishonest practices and reported that more than half of the students reported cheating in the clinical and classroom setting.

The real issue with this unethical behavior and its significance to your role as a nurse educator lies in the understanding that if this behavior is allowed to go unchecked, it can become normalized. Macale et al. (2017), performed a study on academic dishonesty among nursing students and the results show that students get accustomed to taking academically deceitful actions.

As nurses, historically, we have always been responsible and accountable to the patients. At the cornerstones of this framework are the cultural and social mores of honesty and fidelity towards the patient. In order to offer quality care to our patients, trust must first be attained. Johnstone, Rawson, Hutchinson, Redley, (2016) stated that the reinforcement of the moral imperative of trust is paramount to the successful attainment of successful nurse-patient relationship. As nurse educators, we must teach our students to understand, and master the processes that are used to foster trust, and understand the ramifications when this relationship of trust is broken.

To properly address this issue, the nurse educator must confront the offender as soon as possible and instruct them as to the severity of the issue, with its attenuate ethical dilemma of trust. Enhanced training towards the offending student needs to address the moral imperative of cheating and the lack of trust.

As nurse educators, we need to emphasis to our students that trust is nursing core value, and should be fostered. Rutherford (2014) found that Primary trust appears to be extended to the nurse by the patient unless the nurse does something to break or damage this covenant. As one of nursing's important assets, trust should be valued highly and protected against erosion.


Johnstone, M., Rawson, H., Hutchinson, A. M., & Redley, B. (2016). Fostering trusting relationships with older immigrants hospitalized for end-of-life care. Nursing Ethics. doi:10.1177/0969733016664978

Krueger, L. (2014). Academic Dishonesty Among Nursing Students. Journal of Nursing Education.doi:10.3928/01484834-20140122-06

Macale, L., Ghezzi, V., Rocco, G., Fida, R., Vellone, E., & Alvaro, R. (2017). Academic dishonesty among Italian nursing students: A longitudinal study. Nurse Education Today, 50, 57-61. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2016.12.013

Rutherford, M. M. (2014). The Value of Trust to Nursing. Nursing Economics, 32(6), 283-289.

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