
Nur332 - aboriginal and torres strait islander health and

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Cultural Assessment Task: Digital Poster


The goal of this assessment is for you to use information about a specific health issue relevant to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations to produce a case study analysis which informs decision making and best practice.

The assessment is presented in two parts  

  • Digital poster
  • 1000 words required within the poster itself.

Steps to Complete your Task:

Step 1 - Choosing the Focus of your Digital Poster

Being particularly aware of cultural considerations choose one item from list A and B. Together these will provide the focus of your research, case study development and digital poster presentation. 

List A:

(1) Aboriginal Male - 45 years+

(2) Aboriginal Male - 18 years +

(3) Torres Strait Islander Male - 45 years+

(4) Torres Strait Islander Male - 18 years+

List B:

(1) Terminally ill patient - choose one terminal illness.

(2) Post-operative patient - choose one type of operation.

(3) Mental health patient - choose one area of mental health.

(4) Chronic disease patient - choose one chronic disease (except for diabetes).

(5) Work injury admission patient - choose one work Injury scenario.

(6) Emergency Centre (EC) patient - choose one EC scenario

Step 2:  Case Study. 

Based on your choice above create a fictional 'Case Study' relating to 'Closing the Gap' in Indigenous male health. The case study should include the Indigenous clients background and medical history (name, age, religion, next of kin, family situation, where they live, employment, medications, medical and surgical history, prior condition before needing nursing intervention, cultural needs, etc).

Step 3 - Researching the Client's Condition/ Situation

Research literature to obtain information about the health situation/ condition chosen from list B in your case study. This should include pathophysiology/prevalence in Indigenous communities, nursing interventions, possible drug therapy. Use literature to support key points included in your poster.

Note: Cultural considerations and safety specific to your case study should be highlighted. 

Step 4: Designing your Digital Poster 

1) The poster content and design must be included: 

  • Poster Title:
  • Heading 1 - Introduction.
  • Heading 2 - Case Study (dot point form).
  • Heading 3 - Topic Information - pathophysiology/ prevalence in Indigenous communities, etc.
  • Heading 4 - Nursing Interventions - drug therapy (Best practice).
  • Heading 5 - Cultural Safety - nursing practice (Best practice).
  • Heading 6 - Reference List - 6 references only.

Note: The written content on the actual poster under each of these headings should be (1000 words).

The poster should use a landscape layout. An example of the poster format is suggested below. The headings must be used. Additional examples of posters are available on Blackboard.

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Dissertation: Nur332 - aboriginal and torres strait islander health and
Reference No:- TGS02424346

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