
Nur 4636 - community health nursing theory - florida

Assignment: Community Health Assessment

Topic - Hillsborough county, florida.


As the initial step in the nursing process, assessment of a community leads to the identification of strengths, needs, beliefs, practices, resources, and environmentalfactors that impact the health of its members. Community/Public Health nurses assess the health status of populations for the purpose of planning to improve population health and decrease health disparities.


In this assignment, you will assess the health of a community from community health and public health perspectives. Most of you will select the county where you live, while a few of you may have an interest in studying a population in a neighboring county or community. You will gather and interpret data from a variety of sources (see below) to assess the health needs and assets of community or population, and identify a community diagnosis of a selected health concern. The diagnosis enables you to complete the next assignment, Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP).

Directions for Written Report

Review the faculty presentation on Community Health Assessment for guidance in retrieving, analyzing and reporting population health data. Use a variety of sources for your assessment, including (limited) windshield survey, key informant interviews, and (primarily) online databases and websites (See Table 1 below). Prepare a six- to eight-page scholarly paper (in APA format) that describes the health status of your selected community. The written report should provide the data and your interpretation of the data as compared to other counties in the state (ranking), to the state data, and/or trends over time. A small sample paper (addressing demographic and socioeconomic data) has been provided to help you format and reference this statistical report. Graphs and tables can be used (not copied and pasted from databases, however) to illustrate the narrative. If used, images, graphs and tables must be credited and formatted correctly.

Community Health Assessment Outline

1. County Description
- Describe the geographical location of your county, the type of setting (urban, suburban or rural), the size, major employers, health care facilities, parks and green spaces, and unique characteristics.

2. Population Demographics
- Describe the population in terms of age, gender, race and ethnicity. How does this compare to the state?

3. Physical and Social Determinants of Health
- Describe the physical and socioeconomic indicators and trends, including:
o Social and Economic Factors (median household income, percent of populations in poverty, children eligible for free lunch, persons receiving SNAP benefits, unemployment, food insecurity)
o Education (graduation rates, educational attainment)
o Social and Community (lack of social or emotional support)
o Clinical care and access to health services (percent uninsured; access to primary care, dental, and mental health services)
o Physical Environment (housing, crime and violence, food access, public transportation)
- Describe the distribution of economic trends-are there specific geographical areas with higher needs (vulnerable population footprint)?

4. Health Behaviors
For each category, describe the overall population indicator data (rate or percent). As you research these indicators, take note of trends over time, comparison of results between the county and state, and any disparities in results among population groups.
- Alcohol consumption
- Fruit and vegetable consumption
- Physical Inactivity
- Tobacco Use

5. Health Outcomes
For each category, describe the overall population indicator data (and define measure). As you research these indicators, take note of trends over time, comparison of results between the county and state, and any disparities in results among population groups.
- Major causes of death (top three) in the county, including death rates by cause of death.
- Maternal and child health indicators, including infant mortality, low birth weight, and prematurity.
- Chronic disease prevalence, including asthma, diabetes, heart disease, and HIV/AIDS).
- Health status, including the prevalence of obesity, overweight, poor dental health, and poor general health.
- Mental health and substance abuse data, including drug overdose deaths and suicide mortality.

7. Analysis of Health Outcomes and Behaviors
- Based on the assessment data described above, Identify three assets (strengths) of the county, and identify three health concerns or disparities in the county.
- Select ONE primary (important) health concern for this population, and provide additional data that describes the impact of this health concern on population. This becomes your Community Diagnosis (below). Justify your selection.
- Describe possible factors that contribute to this concern (consider physical and social determinants of health).

8. Community DiagnosisStatement
- Formulate a population diagnosis statement, identifying the health concern, factors contributing to the concern, and the evidence that demonstrates the magnitude of the problem. Refer to Community Assessment faculty presentation for guidance and example.
- Do not select drug overdose deaths for this paper-as we will address in separate assignment.

9. Healthy People 2020 Objectives
- Identify (list) at least three Healthy People 2020 objectives that relate to this community diagnosis, including contributing factors. Access the Healthy People 2020 website> Topics and Objectives (select category) > Objectives.

10. Writing Style and Format
- Baccalaureate level scholarly writing, applying APA format to paper, and inclusion of and citation of reliable sources.

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Dissertation: Nur 4636 - community health nursing theory - florida
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