
Nur 3870evaluate the quality of the health information

Informatics in Healthcare

Assignment: Website Critique for Credibility

Course Performance Standards:

Evaluate the quality of the health information electronically retrieved, based on criteria developed in the field of health care informatics.

Select and use relevant literature to enhance learning and support written work.

Demonstrate increasing ability to write in a scholarly manner.

Demonstrate increasing ability to speak (present in online format) in a professional manner.

Instructions: Learn how to objectively evaluate the trustworthiness of a particular healthcare related website.

1. Choose a healthcare related website to critique

2. Complete the following ‘Health on the Net' (HON) checklist ... This form allows you to identify if a site respects elementary basic ethical and quality standards. You can complete this form online or use this form (this does not need to be submitted... for your informational purposes only).

a. (https://www.hon.ch/cgibin/HONcode/Inscription/site_evaluation.pl?language=en&userCategory=individuals).

3. Develop a PowerPoint presentation (using grading rubric and the HONcode principles) for your Critique.

a. Please make it very clear using a visual on the slide whether or not the website met the criterions

i. Please provide rationales on why or why not criterion was met... in the speaker note area is a great place to include these rationales

b. Include speaker notes with each slide

c. Use APA scholarly writing skills

d. Inclusion of screen shots are very helpful to the viewer... cite each one and include on the

Reference list

e. Include citations for all images used

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Dissertation: Nur 3870evaluate the quality of the health information
Reference No:- TGS02166394

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