
Numerical linear algebra-complex nxn matrix


Numerical Linear Algebra : Complex nxn Matrix

1. Let A = (aij ) be a complex n × n matrix. Assume that {Ax, x}= 0 for all x ∈ ?n.
Prove that

(a) aii = 0 for 1 ≤ i ≤ n by substituting x = ei

(b) aij = 0 for i ≠ j by substituting x = pei+qej then using (a) and putting p, q = ±1, ±i
(here i =√-1) in various combinations

Conclude that A = 0.

2. Find a real n × n matrix A ≠ 0 such that {Ax, x}>0 for all x ∈ ℜn.

3. Find a real n×n matrix A such that {Ax, x}> 0 for all x ≠ 0, but A is not symmetric.

Hence, the symmetry requirement in Definition 12.9 cannot be dropped in the real case.

4. Let A ∈ ℜn be given, symmetric and positive definite. Define A0 = A, and consider the sequence of matrices defined by

                             Ak = GkGtk   and   Ak+1 = GtkGk
where Ak = GkGtk is the Cholesky factorization for Ak. Prove that the Ak all have the same eigenvalues.

5. Let A ∈ ?nxn and J a Jordan canonical form of A. Show that A has a square root (in the complex sense!) if and only if so does J. Show that if J is diagonal, then both J and A have square roots.

[Extra credit] Let J = ( λ  1) be a nondiagonal Jordan block. Show that J has a square root if and only if λ ≠ 0.
                                 ( 0  λ)

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Algebra: Numerical linear algebra-complex nxn matrix
Reference No:- TGS01933619

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