Ho: m1< m2
Ha: m1 > m2
Null hypothesis: The mean of the Drivers Chest Injury is less than or equal to the mean of the Passenger Chest Injury.
Alternate Hypothesis: The mean of the Drivers Chest Injury is greater than the mean of the Passenger Chest Injury
If these are my results from my t-test:
t-test results:
degrees of freedom: 194
hypothesized mean difference: 0
pooled variance: 46.52
Test Statistics: 1.099
One tailed distribution:
p-level: .13643; Critical value (10%): 1.28593
According to t-table my tscore is 1.286
So, fail to reject the null since t score (1.286) is greater than critical value (1.28593)? What do I do if the values are so similar?