
Null and alternative hypotheses


Question 1. Using the telephone numbers listed in your local directory as your population, randomly obtain 20 samples of size 3. From each telephone number identified as a source, take the fourth, fifth, and sixth digits

Question 2. Consider a population with μ = 43 and σ = 5.2.

Calculate the z-score for anx¯ of 46.5 from a sample of size 35.

Could this z-score be used in calculating probabilities? Why or why not?

Question 3. State the null and alternative hypotheses for each of the following:

a. You want to show an increase in buying and selling of single-family homes this year when compared with last year's rate. .

b. You are testing a new recipe for "low-fat" cheesecake and expect to find that its taste is not as good as traditional cheesecake.

c. You are trying to show that music lessons have a positive effect on a child's self-esteem.

d. You are investigating the relationship between a person's gender and the automobile he or she drives-specifically you want to show that more males than females drive truck-type vehicles.


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Business Management: Null and alternative hypotheses
Reference No:- TGS01815828

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