
Nswtscn312 investigate biological processes - investigates

Investigate biological processes

500 words for each assessment 


Method and Conditions of Assessment

Method of Assessment

A case study that:

• investigates the environment and adaptations of an Australian organism

• uses an agreed written format.

Conditions of Assessment

• This assessment event is weighted at 30% of the total marks for this unit

• The case study will be written under supervision, in no more than one hour

• Students will have access to no more than 100 word summary of the investigation for reference which will be submitted with the assessment

• One draft of this report will be submitted for feedback

• Students will not have access to mobiles, laptop or other electronic devices during this assessment.

• Students can use a pre-prepared reference list that is to be submitted with the assessment.

The case study should include the following sections:

• Report Introduction

• Information about the organism

• Description of the environment of the organism

• Definitions of important scientific terminology used in report

• Structural, physiological and behavioural adaptations of the organism

• Adaptations of the organism and its survival in the environment

• Role of natural selection

• Reflective comment about what you have learnt

• Referencing

Guidance for assessment

Students may consult the Marking Criteria while undertaking this assessment

For all the criterion - Score 0/10 if none of the below descriptors are addressed - Score 2/10 for each descriptor clearly and thoroughly addressed (high), up to a maximum 10/10. A tick ( \/) is used to check the ‘High---Low' scale for each descriptor. The spread of ticks will be used to determine the score out of 10.

Criteria 1: Outline the organism and its environment.

To gain a score of 10, the student will address all descriptors clearly and thoroughly (High):

1.1 Provide the scientific and common name of an Australian organism.

1.2 Outline the classification of the organism, using taxonomic levels.

1.3 Presents a description and illustration of the organism.

1.4 Describe the environment in which the organism survives.

1.5 Identify regions the organism inhabits.

Provide definitions of relevant terms used in the report.

Identify structural, physiological and behavioural adaptations of the organism. Describe in detail, one example of each of type of adaptation, identified in 2.2. Explain for at least 2 of these adaptations how it helps the organism survive in its environment.

Outline, using the idea of Natural Selection, a process that has likely produced one of these adaptations.

Criteria 3: Communicate effectively using appropriate scientific language

To gain a score of 10, the student will address all descriptors clearly and thoroughly (High):

Present work clearly with appropriate organisation.
Accurately and effectively express relevant information in own words.
Use scientific terms and scientific shorthand correctly in relevant contexts.
Include reference lists.
Provide one specific example of how their biology ideas relating to this report have changed.


Test(s) that:

• include short answer, extended answer, response to stimulus material, data interpretation or prepared answers

• examine required knowledge and skills.

Conditions of Assessment

The ‘required knowledge and skills' include the Elements, Performance Criteria and the Critical Aspects for Assessment.

Test(s) will be conducted under supervision
This assessment event is weighted at 40% of the total marks for this unit.

Guidance for Assessment

It is recommended that more than one test is administered.

Performance Criteria (4.6) should read:

"Investigate plant and animal classification and discuss how complexity has increased as land was inhabited."

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Biology: Nswtscn312 investigate biological processes - investigates
Reference No:- TGS02821809

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