
Nswtscn312 investigate biological processes - discuss how

Investigate biological processes


Method and Conditions of Assessment

Method of assessment

A scientific report that:

- investigates either osmosis and diffusion OR surface area to volume ratio

- uses scientific report format.

Conditions of Assessment

The report will be a maximum of 1,200 words in length. It will be presented in scientific report format and must include:

- Coversheet

- Contents page

- A logical sequence of material presented using sub-headings

- Risk Assessment

- Labelled diagrams, tables and graphs (if relevant)

- Referencing using an agreed referencing system

- Appendices for supporting information referred to in report, such as calculations

- Page numbering

- Log of investigation

The word count does not include words in coversheet, contents page, diagrams, graphs, data tables, reference list or appendices. Material that exceeds the word limit will not be considered.

Guidance for assessment

The log of the investigation is an ongoing record showing how the investigation was carried out. It should consist of:

Planning, including information on:

- which biology aspect to investigate: osmosis and diffusion OR surface area to volume ratio

- which experimental methods were considered

- which apparatus and materials you planned to use

- which library investigations you needed to make.

Progress, including information on:

- observations and record of measurements and data collected

- difficulties encountered and modifications made

- consultations with your teacher.

The draft report should clearly show evidence of the progress/refinements made in arriving at the final report. Students may show one draft of the report to one teacher, who may discuss it and provide feedback.

SAE 1: Scientific Report


State the aim of the investigation.

Predict the results of the investigation (hypothesis).

Describe the aspect of osmosis and diffusion or surface area to volume ratio relevant to the investigation.

Identify a structure in a specific organism that involves osmosis and diffusion or surface area to volume ratio

Identify other possible factors (at least 2) that may affect the aspect being investigated.

Discuss how these factors may affect the aspect being investigated.

For all the criterion

- Score 0/6 if none of the below descriptors are addressed

- Score 1/6 for each descriptor clearly and thoroughly addressed (high), up to a maximum 6/6.

A tick ( \/) is used to check the ‘High---Low' scale for each descriptor.

The spread of ticks will be used to determine the score out of 6.

Criteria 1: Outlines an investigation

Criteria 2: Presents experimental design

  • Clearly outline the method used to carry out the chosen experiment
  • Present a detailed list of appropriate equipment and materials/chemicals
  • Provide a clear and detailed labelled diagram of the assembled apparatus used in the investigation List other variables (at least 2) that may affect the investigation
  • Outline how the method controlled these variables
  • Perform a Risk Assessment, identifying all relevant hazards and the control measures used to make it safe

Criteria 3: Present and analyse results of experiment

  • Record any observations
  • Record any measurements in clearly labelled tables, including correct units and abbreviations Carryout any relevant calculations
  • Present results in a table and/or graph(s)
  • Discuss the accuracy and precision of the results
  • Analyse results and/or graph(s), to identify patterns and relationships

Criteria 4: Interpret results and relate to a real life organism

  • Make valid scientific explanations based on the results, demonstrating the use of tentative language Compare results of the investigation to theoretical results
  • Identify experimental errors, and suggest ways (at least 2) it could be improved
  • Describe, using appropriate diagrams, structure(s) in a specific organism that involve the aspect investigated
  • Discuss how the factors investigated in your experiment are relevant to the structure that has been described
  • Write a conclusion to the investigation which relates directly to the aim

Criteria 5: Presents report of investigation

  • Lay out work clearly with appropriate organisation, including headings following the format for a scientific report
  • Use appropriate scientific language and terms
  • Effectively applies an agreed referencing system, including in- text referencing
  • Access information using at least two different types of secondary sources
  • Evaluates TWO references for reliability and appropriateness of the information
  • Presents evidence of planning and consultation (log and draft with teacher feedback/signature)

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Dissertation: Nswtscn312 investigate biological processes - discuss how
Reference No:- TGS02825515

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