
Ns305-2 describe the various microorganisms that cause


Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

• Identify major foodborne pathogens, their sources, resulting illnesses, and symptoms.

Course outcomes assessed in this Assignment:

Describe the various microorganisms that cause foodborne illness.


You are a Nutritionist at your local health department and have been asked to create a brochure on a particular foodborne illness (see below for foodborne illness assignment). The brochure should be designed for an adult public audience to be distributed at your local community health fair. Do not presume that your audience has any food safety or scientific knowledge, so please keep the concepts simple and do not use any jargon. In this brochure, you need to discuss the following related to your assigned foodborne illness:

• The characteristics of the foodborne illness.
• How the foodborne illness is transmitted.
• Foods commonly linked with the foodborne illness.
• Identify the common symptoms.
• What are the preventive measures?

Foodborne illnesses will be assigned as followed - Last name starts with: Foodborne illness

• A: Hepatitis A
• B: Norovirus gastroenteritis
• C: Bacillus cereus gastroenteritis
• D: Listeriosis
• E or F: Hemorrhagic colitis
• G or H: Clostridium perfringens gastroenteritis
• I or J: Botulism
• K or L Salmonellosis
• M: Shigellosis
• N or O: Staphylococcal gastroenteritis
• P: Vibrio gastroenteritis
• Q or R: Anisakiasis
• S: Cryptosporidiosis
• T: Giardiasis
• U or V: Scombroid poisoning
• W: Ciguatera fish poisoning
• X or Y: Paralytic shellfish poisoning
• Z: Neurotoxic shellfish poisoning


• Trifold double sided format.
• Include graphics to make the brochure creative and informative.
• Use at least 3 references (Wikipedia is not considered an authoritative source).
• Correct grammar, sentence structure and word usage. No jargon.

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Biology: Ns305-2 describe the various microorganisms that cause
Reference No:- TGS02155234

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