

Now that you have the input and output impedances you can design the matching networks. I will require either the Smith Charts showing how you calculated the matching components or a step-by-step guide to how you calculated their values. (Just quoting the values will gain you no marks since you could have taken the values straight from an online calculator.) Blank Smith Charts can be found on Moodle, in the "Extra materials and resources" section.

Once you have the component values of your matching circuits you will be in a position to test the performance of your circuit. Open the AmpDesign schematic and draw you circuit and then test. The AmpDesign data display will open. The graphs which are displayed will be required for your report. Now you will need to modify the design so that the ideal components are changed to more realistic devices. The models for these devices are derived from physical S parameter measurements and can be found on the AMpDesignReal schematic. Enter you modified circuit and run the simulations.

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Electrical Engineering: nowthatyouhavetheinputandoutputimpedancesyoucandes
Reference No:- TGS0417297

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