
Nowadays every application is depends on the database every

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Database is a collection of data which is stored in structural format.

It is used to store the data and retrieve the data whenever we want. When a new data comes to the database then it will store or update the information in the relevant table.

Databases are present in large mainframe systems as well as small systems.

Nowadays every application is depends on the database. Every piece of information was storing in database for future usage.

Most of the databases are storing the structural data. Database was started in 1960s. In 1960s there is a hieratical and network database.

In 1980s there is an object-oriented databases and nowadays we are utilizing SQL, cloud and NoSQL databases.

In this discussion , discussing about very poorly implemented database, reasons for the problems and solutions to them.

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Database Management System: Nowadays every application is depends on the database every
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