This is a study guide for my healthy lifestyles course.
- Now what is the best type of exercise for the prevention of osteoporosis?
- A healthy weight is defined as ____________________ (consider health, waist circumference and essential fat stores).
- What methods to assess body composition are the most accurate? Less accurate?
- What is essential fat? The amount for women is ______and the amount for men is ____?
- What is the definition and purpose of Body Mass Index?
- Waist Circumference measurements that carry a higher risk of disease are_________________?
- To lose one pound a week, you need to eat how many calories less? How many calories less per day?
- Explain the concept of spot reducing and explain why it is impossible to do.
- Know the benefits of cardiovascular endurance, strength and flexibility.
- Examples of anaerobic exercise are________________________.
- A good cardio workout would include (remember the FITT principle)?
- Why should we cool down after cardio exercise? When should you do tcardio cool down?
- How does strength training help with weight loss?
- What is the difference between muscular endurance and muscular strength? Be able to define each.
- What is the overload principle?