A square loop of wire carries a current I. Current is flowing in a counterclockwise direction as shown.
1) What is the direction of the magnetic field at A?
2) What is the direction of the magnetic field at B?
3) What happens to the magnitude of the magnetic field as you move away from the loop?
4) If this loop is placed in a uniform magnetic field pointing into the page, what is the direction of the net force on the loop?
5) Now the loop is placed near a horizontal wire with current moving to the right. If the horizontal wire is right below the loop (in the plane of the page), what is the direction of the net force on the loop?
6) If the current in the square loop and horizontal wire are both 2 A, the square loop has side lengths of 10 cm each, and the horizontal wire is 5 cm from the bottom side of the square loop, what is the magnitude of the net force on the loop?