
Now that the session is nearing the end and youve read and

Now that the session is nearing the end and you've read and written a great deal about the use of power and politics, it is a good time to assess yourself on what you've learned and what you may need to think and improve upon in your future career. Fortunately leading academics have developed a survey to help you assess your knowledge and skills in organizational power and politics. It is very important to be as honest as you can, and answer the questions as you normally act, not as you wish you would!

Complete the assessment at the following website: https://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/faculty/uzzi/ftp/page292.html

Comparison Data

The maximum possible score is 180. Maximums on sub-area scales are provided below. Compare your score to a norm group consisting of 500 business school students. In comparison to the norm group, if you scored

147 or above

You are in the top quartile.


You are in the second quartile.


You are in the third quartile.

125 or below

You are in the bottom quartile.

***Prepare a 3-page paper and discuss:

1.Your areas of relative strength and weakness.

2.The areas you have selected to work to improve-no more than 4 personal/position characteristics. You may or may not want to work on improving Using Influence, Resisting Influence, and Increasing Influence-depending on your scores.

3.What areas you think the material in this class helped you with the most? Are there specific articles or tutorials that you think helped you the most regarding the areas covered in this survey?


Cialdini, R. B., & Martin, S. (2012). Science of persuasion. Influence at Work. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?

Cialdini, R. B. (2001). Harnessing the science of persuasion. Harvard Business Review, 79(9), 72-79. [EbscoHost]

McIntosh, P., Davis, J. H., & Luecke, R.,(2008). Chapter 9: When you aim to persuade. Interpersonal communication skills in the workplace. New York: AMA Self-Study. [EBSCO eBook Business Collection]

Gorman, T. (2007). Chapter 9: Writing to persuade. Persuasion: Command Attention - Hold Their Interest - Get What You Want. Avon, Mass: F+W Media. [EBSCO eBook Business Collection].

Developing persuasive business messages. (2014). Pearson Learning Solutions. New York, NY.

Three-step process for writing persuasive messages. (2014). Pearson Learning Solutions. New York, NY.

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Business Management: Now that the session is nearing the end and youve read and
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