
Now suppose that the gravity is so strong that the

White dwarf stars are essentially plasmas of free electrons and free protons (hydrogen atoms that have been stripped of their electrons). Their densities are typically 5 × 109 kg/m3 (i.e., 106 times the average density of Earth). Their further collapse is prevented by the fact that the electrons are highly degenerate, that is, all the low-lying states are filled and no two identical electrons can be forced into the same state.

(a) Estimate the temperature of this system. (Assume nonrelativistic electrons and that p2 f /2m = (3/2)kT.)

(b) Now suppose that the gravity is so strong that the electrons are forced to combine with the protons, forming neutrons (with the release of a neutrino). If the temperature remains the same, what would be the density of this degenerate neutron star?

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Mechanical Engineering: Now suppose that the gravity is so strong that the
Reference No:- TGS02161002

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