Consider a SLR model: Yi = γ0 + γ1xi3 + εi. The fitted model was obtained and its SSE value was 121.6974. Now suppose that one says "Given that predictor x3 is in the model, the other predictors (x1 and x2) have no significant linear relationships with the response." Is this correct? Give your answer by conducting an appropriate test. Use α = 0.05 as the significance level. (2 pt)
ANOVA given below:
SSE=t(e)%*%e # 111.1654
SST=sum((Y-mean(Y))^2) # 1014.857
SSR=SST-SSE # 903.6917
df1=4-1 # 3
df2=7-4 # 3
df3=7-1 # 6
MSR=SSR/df1 # 301.2306
MSE=SSE/df2 # 37.05514
F=MSR/MSE # 8.129