Let us say you are an author of a book. Amazon wants to publish your book. Apple wants to publish your book. Both companies offer you equal pay for your book, but Apple sells the book at $9.99 and Amazon sells it $11.99.
Now, Amazon sells thousands more of your book than Apple does, so Amazon has made more money. You go back to Amazon and say that you want to be paid more royalties because they sold more books than Apple. Amazon say "NO" because you signed over the rights to book with the original contract.
a. Do you have any recourse? If no, why? If yes, why?
b. Amazon charged $2.00 more per book and sold more copies. Is that fair? Why or why not?
c. Rama writes a new business law textbook and sells it at the bookstore for $250 and you can buy it on Amazon for $250...the same price. He offers the Ebook version for $150 but it is missing may pictures, graphs, and exercises. Is this fair and legal?