
Note two books i have found very helpful and take a little

Some say that half the world lives in poverty and what is needed is more foreign aid, debt relief, and changing global trade rules to lift them out. Others, however, indicate that aid has not really helped and the real solution is more grassroots which includes encouraging entrepreneurship to create wealth (watch the Poverty Inc. movie trailer). Next watch the Call of the Entrepreneur movie trailer. These movies are produced by the Acton Institute) a leading organization in addressing poverty. In addition, watch the video from Poverty Cure - From Aid to Enterprise. Finally, watch Magatte Wade on Dreaming Bigger (Poverty Cure). (She also has a good presentation on Solutions to Poverty.)

Note: In the September 2014 edition of the Reader's Digest is an article by Bill and Melinda Gates titled Myths about the World's Poor addressing the current state of poverty.  "Extreme poverty has been cut in half over the past 25 years, child mortality rates are plunging around the globe, and many of the countries that have long relied on foreign aid are now self-sufficient (p. 124)".  Yes, progress has been made but there is more to do.  Note: Extreme poverty is often defined as living on less than $2 per day.

Note: Two books I have found very helpful and take a little different approach to addressing poverty are Walking with the Poor by Bryans Myers (2011 published by Orbis Books) and When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert (2012 published by Moody Publishers).  All authors have a long history of working in poverty stricken areas of the world and have gain valuable insights.

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