Note the substantially greater ratio in reverse this meant

Figure P15.53 is a diagrammatic representation of the transmission used in the Model T Ford. In common with modern automatic transmissions, planetary gears were used. Control was by means of two foot pedals. The low-gear pedal applied a band brake to hold sun S3 fixed. The reverse pedal applied a band brake holding sun S2 fixed. Releasing both pedals applied a direct-drive clutch for high gear. (Partial depression of the low-gear pedal gave neutral. Applying the hand brake also depressed the low-gear pedal to the neutral position-a feature appreciated when starting the engine by hand cranking!) Determine the transmission ratios for low and reverse gears. (Note the substantially greater ratio in reverse. This meant that for the unusual incline that was too steep for low gear, the car could always be turned around and driven up the incline in reverse!)


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Mechanical Engineering: Note the substantially greater ratio in reverse this meant
Reference No:- TGS02174227

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