Normalization Exercises:
Normalize the tables below. Show the resulting tables.
Exercise 1:
You are given the following table:
EMP_PROJ(ssn, pnumber, hours, ename, pname, plocation)
And you are given the following functional dependencies:
(i)(ssn, pnumber) hours
This means: hours in dependent on ssn and pnumber.
(ii)(ssn) ename
This means: ename in dependent on ssn.
(iii)pnumber (pname, plocation)
Exercise 2:
You are given the following table:
EMP_DEPT(ename, ssn, bdate, address, dnumber, dname, dmgrssn)
And you are given the following function dependencies:
(i)ssn (ename, bdate, address, dnumber)
(ii)dnumber (dname, dmgrssn)