
normalize the following tables upto and including

Normalize the following tables upto and including the 3NF. Submit a 1 page printout of only the final set of normalized tables in Data Architect. Just use Data Architect to do the tables. No need for E-R, mapping, relationships etc. Just tables. State all assumption, logic, and reasoning, to explain your work.

Employee = Empid + Empname + SSN + Empadd + Empphone + DOB + Sex + DateHired + Lastdateworked + Averrating + WordProc + Typing + Filing + Bookkping + Steno + Availcode

Client = Clid + Clname + Cladd + Clphone + Contact + BillingYTD + PaymentYTD

Job = Job# + Jobtitle + Startdate + Expectenddate + Dailyrate + Dailyhours + Reporttoname + Reporttoadd + Reporttophone + Jobstatus + Clid*

Invoice = Invoice# + Invoicedate + Oldbal + Totcharges + Newbal + Totpaid + Clid*

Payroll = Check# + Paydate + Gross + Fed + Fica + State + Local + Net + Grossytd + Netytd + Fedytd + Ficaytd + Stateytd + Localytd + Empid*

Job-Employee = Job# + Empid + Ratername + Ratingdate + Emprating


1. Employee address depends on employee phone.

2. Reporttoadd depends on Reporttophone.

3. Dailyrate depends on Jobtitle.

4. Net depends on combination of Gross, Fed, Fica, State, Local

5. Netytd depends on Grossytd, Fedytd, Ficaytd, Stateytd, Localytd

6. Newbal depends on Oldbal, Totcharges.

7. Net, Netytd, Grossytd, Fedytd, Ficaytd, Stateytd, Localytd are calculated fields.

8. Newbal is sum of oldbal and totcharges.

9. We would normally want the Reporttoadd with the Job record. Similarly, the Dailyrate is a piece of information that is integral to a Job record.

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Database Management System: normalize the following tables upto and including
Reference No:- TGS0210198

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