
normalize the following table upto and including

Normalize the following table upto and including the 3NF. Submit a 1 page printout of only the final set of normalized tables in Data Architect. Just use Data Architect to do the tables. No need for E-R, mapping, relationships etc. Just tables. State all assumption, logic, and reasoning, to explain your work.


1. Each project has a unique name, but names of employees and managers are not unique.

2. Each project has one manager, whose name is stored in Projmgr.

3. Many employees may be assigned to work on each project, and an employee may be assigned to more than one project. Hours tells the number of hours per week that a particular employee is assigned to work on a particular project.

4. Budget stores the amount budgeted for a project, and Startdate gives the starting date for a project.

5. Salary gives the annual salary for an employee.

6. Empmgr gives the names of the employee's manager, who is not the same as the project manager.

7. Empdept gives the employee's department. Department names are unique. The employee's manager is the manager of the employee's department.

8. Rating gives the employee's rating for a particular project. The project manager assigns the rating at the end of the employee's work on that project.

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Database Management System: normalize the following table upto and including
Reference No:- TGS0210194

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