
Normalise the table to 3nf - use correct dependency


  1. Using the table and data given below, normalise the table to 3NF.
  2. Use correct dependency diagram/s to show each normalisation level.
  3. Create an ERD to show the resultant tables at the 3NF level with all the attributes, Primary/Foreign keys, relationships, etc. 
Book_ID Book_Title Bk_ Author Date_Published Publisher Publ_Location Borrower_Num D_Borrowed D_Returned
101 Management of Information Systems Laudon 2010 Pearson NSW AR258714 25/4/2014 4/5/2014
102 Intro to Information Systems Rainer 2012 Wiley QLD HC258321 10/2/2014 16/2/2014
103 Database systems Coronel 2011 Cengage VIC AR258714 25/4/2014 6/5/2014
104 Management Cole 2013 Pearson NSW KX25894 15/3/2014 23/3/2014
102 Intro to Information Systems Rainer 2012 Wiley QLD WC258568 20/2/2014 27/2/2014
103 Database systems Coronel 2011 Cengage VIC PS258963 25/5/2014 2/6/2014
102 Intro to Information Systems Rainer 2012 Wiley QLD BW258541 18/4/2014 26/5/2014

 NOTE - Manually drawing the dependency diagram or the relational schema is NOT acceptable.

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Database Management System: Normalise the table to 3nf - use correct dependency
Reference No:- TGS01379740

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