Enzymes are the protein substances produced by the living cells which catalyzes a biochemical reaction. They accelerate a specific chemical reaction.
Enzymes, which are known as biocatalysts, are very useful in the manufacturing of several products of commercial value. The enzymes are widely used for the manufacture of alcoholic beverages etc. The enzyme w-amylase used in bread- making, is commercially prepared from Aspergillus olyzae. The amylogluccsidase, used as a substitute for malt in the production of beer and spirits, is commercially
prepared from Aspergillus niger. Pectolytic enzymes are produced from a number of fungi for use in fruit processing. Cellulase enzyme used for removing cellulose cloud and clarifying juices is produced from the mould Trichoderma viride and proteases used in cheese-making from Aspergillus niger.