
normal 0 false false false en-us x-none

Make a database that contains emp_no, emp_name, emp_designation and emp_salary. Using filters perform the following:

a.                        Display the names of those employees that have a salary more than 5000.

b.                        Display the names of those employees that have a designation of “Manager” or “Vice President”.

c.                        Count the total number of records.

 echo "Employees whose salary more than 5000"

awk -F "-" '$4 >5000 { printf "%s\n",$2 }' emp.txt

//awk command specifies the selection criteria and action

echo "Employees whose designation is Manager or Vice President"

awk -F "-" '$3 == "Manager",$3 == "Vice President" { printf "%s\n", $2 }'


echo –e "Total no. of Records= \c"

awk -F"-" '{printf "%d\n",NR}' emp.txt|tail -n1

//option of awk –F is used for delimeter and printf is used for printing



sh datab.sh

Employees whose salary more than 5000



Employees whose designation is Manager or Vice President


Total no. of Records= 3

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Application Programming: normal 0 false false false en-us x-none
Reference No:- TGS0161557

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