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Adjustable auger mechanisms

Directly in front of the screed, there is provided a distributing auger mechanism, comprising left and right side augers positioned in the region in which the asphalt is deposited from the slat conveyors. As the machine advances along the prepared roadbed, the raw asphalt material is first deposited by the slat conveyors and then distributed laterally outward by the augers. The distributed material then flows under the floating screed, While means typically may be provided to enable limited vertical adjustment of the augers, the nature of the known equipment is such that adjustments are rarely if ever be utilized after the initial setting. Historically, height adjustment of the auger mechanism has involved multiple manual adjustments of turnbuckles and bearing mounts, in some instances at locations which may be heavily coated with asphalt.

Accordingly, adjustment of the auger height with the paver on the move has been altogether out of the question, and adjustment at other times is sufficiently complex and time consuming as to rule it out In accordance with the present invention, a novel and improved arrangement is provided for constructing and mounting the auger and auger drive mechanisms for limited vertical lift ability and height adjustment relative to the tractor frame, such that the auger can be instantly and effortlessly raised or lowered relative to the paver.

One of the important advantages of the mechanism of the invention resides in the fact that the auger may be set relatively close to the roadbed for normal paving operations, to achieve optimum function during paving, and yet may be instantly raised to clear roadbed obstructions

  In a preferred form of the invention, the entire auger mechanism is supported for limited movement by pivotal attachment of the drive box to the back of the paver frame. A hydraulic lift mechanism engages the cantilever beam at relatively widely spaced points, on opposite sides of the drive box, in order to pivot the assembly. Desirably, the laterally extending cantilever beam  is movably supported by the paver frame at spaced outboard locations, to provide for mechanical stability of the entire structure. Additionally, thrust resisting means may be provided respectively on the cantilever beams and paver frame, to assist in resisting the unbalanced sideways thrusting forces developed by the augers during normal paving operations.


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Mechanical Engineering: normal 0 false false false en-in x-none
Reference No:- TGS0290543

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