
normal 0 false false false en-in x-none

In this exercise you will develop a multimedia simulation of a "one-armed bandit."  You will need three spinning wheels containing either various fruits such as lemons, apples, and oranges or any other images you find appealing.  Using random number generation you will create the effect of three wheels that spin and stop at different times.  The left wheel will stop first, followed by the center and finally the right wheel.  If all three fruits or other symbols match, the player wins $1000.00 and the machine generates all kinds of bell sounds.  If the player loses, one dollar will be deducted from a starting bank of $1000.00.  When the bank reaches zero you will end the program by popping up a message box stating that "GAME IS OVER-YOU ARE OUT OF FUNDS!"  you will also need spin and quit buttons with the usual "Are you sure?"  message.



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JAVA Programming: normal 0 false false false en-in x-none
Reference No:- TGS0209323

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