Nonfunctional Requirements
Performance Requirements
PE-1: The Clue-Less system shall accommodate 6 users during peak usage, with an estimated average session duration of 15 minutes.
PE-2: Responses to user actions shall take no longer than 5 seconds to load onto the screen after the user submits the action.
PE-3: The Clue-Less system shall display notification messages to all players within 3 seconds after a player submits information to the system.
Safety Requirements
No safety requirements have been identified.
Security Requirements
SE-1: Users shall be required to log in to the Clue-Less system for all operations except viewing the rules.
SE-2: The Clue-Less system shall permit only authorized developers with administrative
Privileges access to the Subversion (SVN) system.
SE-6: The Clue-Less system shall permit only authorized developers with administrative
Privileges access to the Subversion (SVN) system.