Locate a non web-based source dealing with stress. This resource might be a book, video, or audio from the library or a bookstore. Also, it could be a stress-related support group. There may be other sources. Based on your chosen resource, develop a critique of approximately 200-500 words, which, at a minimum, includes the following:
1) The purpose or objectives of the source or service; usefulness, appropriateness and credibility.
2) If a book, audio or video, the author, publisher and cost to purchase;
3) If a support group, the sponsor and any rules about access and/or obligation to the Group;
4) Any reference to other useful stress-related resource
Surf the web (WWW) and identify a stress management related website. For that site, develop a critique which, at a minimum, includes the following:The identity (URL) of the site and, if available, the sponsor of the site.
Your description and evaluation, approximately 200-500 words, of the information provided, including:
a. Identification of stress related information
b. The purpose or objectives of the source or service; usefulness, appropriateness and credibility
An evaluation of the site including its ease of navigation and useful links to other related sites.