
Non-pre-emptive sjf scheduling algorithms-banker algorithm

1) Describe the differences in the degree to which FCFS, RR and Non-pre-emptive SJF scheduling algorithms discriminate in favour of short processes.

2) State and demonstrate banker’s algorithm for snapshot given below.
          Allocation        Max        Available
            ABC             ABC          ABC
P0         010             753          332
P1        200              322
P2        302              902
P3        211              222
P4        002              433

3) Explain the first fit, best-fit and worst fit allocation algorithms. Give memory partitions of 100 KB, 500 KB, 200 KB, 300 KB and 600 KB, how would each of the above place processes of 212 KB, 417 KB, 112 KB and 426 KB in order?

4) Describe the concept of demand paging and the performance issues of demand paging?

5) Describe in detail performances issues of secondary storage management?

6) Describe the file system allocation methods in detail?

7)(i) Describe the architecture of Windows NT.

(ii) Write detailed notes on threads, exceptions and interrupts.

8) Describe about fork/exec process model and virtual file model of LINUX in detail.

9) What are the essential properties of the following types of OS.

a) Batch
b) Multiprocessing
c) Time-sharing

10) Describe how OS have evolved over the years.

11) Describe pre-emptive scheduling methods in detail.

12) Two phase locking can lead to starvation. Describe how this can happen. Describe why deadlock is not possible?

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Operating System: Non-pre-emptive sjf scheduling algorithms-banker algorithm
Reference No:- TGS010373

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