
Non-experimental research design or quasi experimental

Question: Comment 1: Experimental research design is utilized to correlate the cause and the effect relationship with the researcher's treatment, independent variables, and the effects in a selected study outcome. It is more of a random controlled trial. They are referred to as experimental because the focus is based on the examination of the differences in the information and the variables or treatments. The example provided by Grove, Gray, & Burns (2015) is the treatment of home monitoring of hypertension with the outcome variable being the measurement of blood pressure at 1 week, 1 month, and 6 months. The experimental research involves an intervention and a measureable outcome.

Non-experimental research design or quasi experimental design can be used to test the accuracy of a hypothesis utilizing a theoretical model such as a model testing design. Complete control is not possible such as is with experimental research. An example used by Grove, et al (2015) was the model testing design used to examine the turnover intentions of nurses working in hospitals. Collecting data based on the concepts of work family balance, job satisfaction and integration within the community as predictive nurse turnover ratios was the analyzed data. A non- experimental design can be used after an experimental design, while not utilizing a randomly selected focus or control. Non-experimental design has no influence or intervention by a nurse, but usually a sample of convenience, such as right time, right place inclusion.

Comment 2: Experimental designs typically use random assignment, manipulation of an independent variable(s), and strict controls. A common experimental design used in healthcare studies is the pretest-post-test design with experimental and control groups (Campbell & Stanley, 1963, Shadish et al., 2002). The group of experimental designs usually is made up people, plants, animals, cells, etc. For example, an experimental design for a specific treatment may use two groups. One received the treatment which is the Variable and the other group may receive the placebo, is the control group. Some plants may receive a new fertilizer ant the others none. In experimental designs both randomization and manipulation present.

Non-experimental designs are focused on examining variables as they naturally occur in an environment, not on the implementation of a treatment by the researcher. Nonexperimental designs are used to describe, differentiate, or examine associations, as opposed to direct relationships, between or among variables, groups, or situations. There is no random assignment, control groups, or manipulation of variables, as these designs use observation only. The researcher observes what occurs naturally without intervening in any way. are also referred to Descriptive and correlational designs are example of non-experimental designs. In non-experimental are both randomization and manipulation absent.

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Dissertation: Non-experimental research design or quasi experimental
Reference No:- TGS02789039

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