Nitroglycerine is used as an explosive. The equation for the explosion reaction is:
4C3H5(NO3)3 ( l ) 12CO2 ( g) 1 10H2O ( l ) 1 6N2 ( g) 1 O2 ( g)
a How many moles does the equation show for:
i nitroglycerine?
ii gas molecules produced?
b How many moles of gas molecules are obtained from 1 mole of nitroglycerine?
c What is the total volume of gas (at rtp) obtained from 1 mole of nitroglycerine?
d What is the mass of 1 mole of nitroglycerine?
(Ar : H 5 1, C 5 12, N 5 14, O 5 16.)
e What will be the total volume of gas (at rtp) from exploding 1 kg of nitroglycerine?
f Using your answers above, try to explain why nitroglycerine is used as an explosive