
Nit6110 advanced wireless networks assignment victoria

Advanced Wireless Networks Assignment -

WLAN Design Project -

Description: You need to form a group of at most four students, and select one of the case studies provided in Assessment module on VU Collaborate. In this project you will study the existing network of a Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) and redesign it as per their requirements. You are expected to get in touch with the organisation (your tutor for case studies), make appointments, ask the relevant questions, and fulfil their statutory requirements, such as confidentiality and safety.

A WLAN design proposal is expected as the outcome of your project work, which includes:

  • Introduction
  • The client organisation background: business background
  • Current Network capabilities at the chosen organisation
  • The limitations at the chosen organisation
  • The additional capabilities required by clients at the chosen organisation
  • Your WLAN design as the solutions to the client requirements
  • The schedule of the proposed WLAN design project
  • Resource management and plan
  • Conclusion and limitation of your proposal

Report must include:

a) Report Writing Checklist and Cover page

b) Title page.

c) Table of contents: automatically created.

d) Executive summary.

e) Well formatted sections with meaningful headings and sub-sections, if required.

f) Diagrams and tables illustrating entities such as: Network Architecture, List of devices with concise specifications.

g) Detailed specifications should be included as appendices.

h) List of Reference: In this section list all the websites and other references you have used. Provide in-text references for your sources of information.

Network Design Project - Current Network Capability and Limitations

Description: In this Section you are going to setup formal communication with your client to collect information about their current in-use network. By analysing the materials collected, you need to identify the problem(s) and/or issue(s) in the existing network.

According to your project, you need to consider including some or all of the following points in this section:

If the client organization has already had a network for daily use (no matter with WLAN or not), you need to

- Collect information about the current network and its usage from your client as much as possible

  • You can ask for documentation they kept from the developer/designer who built up the current network
  • You can visit their workplace to do evaluation or testing (if possible)
  • You can prepare a list of questions based on your knowledge and experience to seek answers from your clients. The list needs the whole group's contribution.

- Identify the problems in the current network, or find out why they would like to add a new Wi-Fi network on top of the current setting.

- List the limitations that cause the current situation.

If the client organization does not have any network, then you need to

  • Analyse their business activity to find out how the network can help them to improve their business
  • Discuss with your client to get what the basic functionalities and services are required.

All these capabilities and limitations need to get client's approval. In other word, you need to discuss all these with your client to confirm that your thought is correct.

Don't forget to ask for floor plans from your clients.

You need to use figure(s) or diagram(s) to better present your solution in a visual way.

  • The provided figure(s) or diagram(s) need to be easy-to-read, showing clear textual information (labels). If the details in the figure or diagram cannot be read, please attach the original high-resolution file.
  • The figure(s) or diagram(s) should be generated using professional software tool. You can use the one introduced in lecture or any other one you preferred.

You are free to add any information that can help the reader to understand your idea.

Network Design Project - WLAN Design

Description: In this Section you will be asked to adopt your networking knowledge and design skills to provide one (or more) solution(s) to satisfy the customer requirements, network problems or any additional capabilities identified in the previous reports.

According to your project, you need to consider including some or all of the following points in this section:

A new network design solution is required to be involved in this section.

  • The solution can have a number of sub-solutions aiming for individual problem, limit or additional capability respectively.
  • The techniques used in each sub-solutions need to be clearly stated. If the same technique is used to deal with more than one problem, you can group and put them together as a subsection (or subsubsection).
  • The techniques adopted can be any one introduced in the lecture or from your own experience.

Need to include all the changes you will make on the existing network if you have one. It can be:

  • An entire change from network module
  • An extension from the existing network
  • Some modification to improve the functionality of the existing network
  • Additional capabilities, such as adding Wi-Fi, providing new/updated management system, setting up new security protocol

Show the difference between the existing network you have analysed in previous section and the new solution you will provide in this section.

  • You need to highlight the difference by listing in bullets at an early section in this report, and explain in details in paragraphs.
  • You are free to mark the difference in figure(s) or diagram(s).

Figure(s) or diagram(s) to better present your solution in a visual way.

  • The provided figure(s) or diagram(s) need to be easy-to-read, showing clear textual information (labels). If the details in the figure or diagram cannot be read, please attach the original high-resolution file.
  • The figure(s) or diagram(s) should be generated using professional software tool. You can use the one introduced in lecture or any other one you preferred.
  • You are free to add any information that can help the reader to understand your idea.

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Computer Networking: Nit6110 advanced wireless networks assignment victoria
Reference No:- TGS02918714

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