
Nims public information systems - develop a national

NIMS Public Information Systems

1. Using the template established by the _____, the National Response Plan (NRP) provides the structure and mechanisms to coordinate and integrate incident management activities and emergency support functions across Federal, State, local, and tribal government entities, the private sector, and nongovernmental organizations. a. Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD) 5 b. Incident Command System (ICS)

c. National Incident Management System (NIMS) d. Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD) 8

2. The National Incident Management System (NIMS): a. Builds upon the National Response Plan. b. Was established as a result of HSPD-5 c. Was established as a result of HSPD-8. d. Requires DHS to develop a National Preparedness Goal.

3. The five major components making up the NIMS systems approach include Preparedness, Resource Management, Communications and Information Management, Supporting Technologies, Command and Management, and: a. Multiagency Coordination Systems. b. Incident Command System. c. Public Information Systems. d. Ongoing Management and Maintenance

4. The NIMS public information systems are founded on three principles:
- The Public Information Officer (PIO) supports the Incident Command.
- PIO functions are coordinated and integrated.
- __________ (Select the third principle from below.)
a. Organizations participating in incident management retain their independence. b. In the case of Unified Command, departments that contribute to joint public information management lose their individual identities. c. NIMS updates and supersedes the Incident Command System (ICS). d. The Joint Information Center (JIC) provides the mechanism for integrating public information activities among the Joint Information Systems (JISs).

5. When an incident occurs and relevant agencies or departments are dispatched to the scene, the lead agency assumes Incident Command and a PIO is designated. This person is usually: a. A volunteer PIO who is experienced in incidents of all sizes and magnitudes. b. A full-time PIO whose role has been predetermined in emergency plans and SOPs.c. The Incident Commander, who originates from the lead agency. d. The local or regional Emergency Manager.

6. Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. The PIO approves all information that is released related to the incident. b. The PIO responds to inquiries from the news media and the public. c. The PIO manages the release of emergency public information and warnings. d. The PIO monitors the news media to detect and correct misinformation.

7. The PIO advises Incident Command on public information issues and advocates for the ________ to ensure their public information needs are addressed. a. Media b. ICS response team c. Community d. DHS command structure

8. The ___________ is the method of operating during an incident that allows multiple PIOs to coordinate information and integrate messages to avoid confusing the public. a. Incident Command System (ICS) b. Joint Information Center (JIC) c. Public Information System (PIS) d. Joint Information System (JIS)

9. The decision by the PIO supporting Incident Command to activate the JIS is based on: a. The complexity of the incident and the need to ensure coordination and integration of messages b. The Incident Commander's directive, which originates at Department of Homeland Security (DHS) headquarters c. The PIO's inexperience at handling an emergency incident's public information functions d. A consensus arrived at among the responding PIOs regarding the public's needs for information

10. Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. The JIS can be as simple as two PIOs talking on the phone about an incident that involves both of their agencies. b. PIOs must be collocated and working to meet public information needs from a central location once the JIS is activated. c. The JIS can be PIOs from many agencies working from several locations to ensure delivery of clear, accurate information. d. The JIS must involve PIOs working together in responding to an incident to ensure that the right message is delivered to the right people.

11. Through the JIS, PIOs are able to create coordinated and consistent messages by collaborating to: a. Communicate to the public all information that is available about an incident. b. Withhold alarming information from the public to eliminate possible hysteria and panic. c. Disseminate information as soon as it is received while simultaneously verifying the information's accuracy. d. Prioritize messages to ensure timely delivery of information without overwhelming the audience.

12. Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. Working together in the JIS helps PIOs focus on releasing one or two coordinated, key messages. b. Designating spokesperson(s) for media interviews helps PIOs in the JIS avoid releasing conflicting messages. c. Activation of the JIS eliminates the desirability of using pre-scripted messages and talking points. d. PIOs working in the JIS might only speak publicly about their own agencies, programs, and/or areas of responsibility.

13. Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. Print media want lots of information, details, and background. b. Television works in the "here and now" and wants visuals and short sound bites. c. Radio typically is better than television at conveying complex or very detailed information. d. Electronic media typically gets information out to the public more quickly than print media.

14. Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. Authority to tap other departments or agencies for staff during an incident may be written into law and tied to an emergency declaration. b. Mutual aid arrangements and Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) cannot be used for supplementing incident staff. c. Hiring policies should be written ahead of time to allow for emergency hiring authority for part- or full-time temporary positions. d. One way to supplement regular PIO staff during an incident is to use disaster employees or "oncall" staff with public information expertise.

15. When planning for responding to an incident, consider facilities, equipment, and supplies necessary to meet public information needs: a. During incidents when operating alone as sole PIO and those when operating with a small or large group of PIOs at a fixed location. b. During incidents when your agency or department would be providing the leadership in the Incident Command. c. During incidents that are likely to involve only your own agency or department. d. During only the predictable and expected types of incidents that are common in your area.

16. For a PIO to be ready to respond to a variety of incidents, he or she should assemble a _______ containing such items as a cell phone, digital camera, pager, and contact information for disaster employees and the news media. a. Smart Book b. Toolbox. c. Emergency system d. Go Kit

17. Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. Pre-incident activities include planning to prepare and establish a JIC by establishing a dedicated location where PIOs can work. b. Pre-incident activities include planning to prepare and establish a JIC in every incident requiring emergency response. c. Pre-incident activities include planning to prepare and establish a JIC by identifying necessary equipment and supplies. d. Pre-incident activities include planning to prepare and establish a JIC by practicing "morphing" the space into a JIC.

18. An effective Emergency Operations Plan will be: a. General in nature, so respondents' roles can be determined on scene as the incident dictates. b. Specific to the types of incidents that have occurred in that jurisdiction in the past. c. Based on all risks facing any region in the Nation, in order to comprehensively address every possibility. d. Comprehensive in nature, including complete response procedures for everyone with a role in the response.

19. Contents of the ________ might include such things as the public information mission, organization, specific functions, and concept of operations. a. Public Inquiry Center B. Memorandum of Understanding C. Public Information Annex D. Emergency Alert System
20. The JIS is _____; the JIC is _____. a. A way of operating; the location where the operation takes place b. A plan for operating; the implementation of the operational plan c. Activated when size or complexity dictate; activated in every type of incident d. A network of scattered PIOs at an incident; a centralized location for all of an incident's PIOs

21. Establishing a JIC as part of incident response offers the following benefits:
- A central working facility
- Pooled resources
- Strength in numbers
- Safety
- _____ (Select another benefit from below.)
a. Recognized source of information. b. Fewer PIOs needed. c. Opportunity to release multiple detailed messages simultaneously. d. Reduced need to coordinate messages.

22. Getting information to the public during an incident is an ongoing cycle involving four steps. Which sequence below shows the correct order of these steps in accomplishing the public information mission? a. Gathering, Verifying, Disseminating, and Coordinatng Information. b. Gathering, Verifying, Coordinating, and Disseminating Information. c. Coordinating, Gathering, Disseminating, and Verifying Information. d. Coordinating, Gathering, Verifying, and Disseminating Information.

23.Establishing key message(s) by prioritizing information to get out to the public is one example of: a. Gathering information. b. Verifying information. c. Coordinating information. d. Disseminating information.

24. In assessing readiness after an incident is over, and deciding what you want to do differently next time, set goals regarding: a. Output, documentation, systems issues, and facilities maintenance. b. Output, systems issues, logistical factors, and human factors. c. Logistical factors, human factors, documentation, and risk analysis. d. Risk analysis, facilities maintenance, documentation, and systems issues.

25. The following strategies are examples of ways to improve _____.
- Identify equipment that could help you be more effective.
- Research new technology that will improve operations.
- Research costs and other factors for consideration during the appropriate budget cycle.
a. Output. b. Systems. c. Logistical Factors. d. Human Factors

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