New site php or .net secure site electronic signature ability design in
I desire a new website that php or .net programming with bootstrap design
I leave the finer particulars to you but the flow will go like this
a) Main user registers or login via google or facebook
b) Upload pdf that they require signatures on (it will then be saved within the system)
c) Select spots on pages that require either a) initial or b) signature
d) Select 1 or more people to email it too and send
e) People receive a request to sign a document - register or login via google or facebook
f) Use mouse to create initial and signature approve or redo individually (this will be saved on system and may require auto resizing)
g) Then they can via and approve document adding initial or signature as required
h) Finally they click compete / submit this sends the signed document with initials and / or signatures to main user.
i) Main user receives these as complete / submit button is pressed
j) If pdf was sent to more than one person for signing all signatures.
Desired Skills are MySQL Administration, .NET, HTML, PHP, .NET for Web