
New employment practices and trends

Due to globalization, new employment practices and trends are emerging in both developed and developing countries. Identify, examine and evaluate at least 3 - 5 major employment relation issues and trends that are experienced in overseas and the south pacific. Provide specific and relevant examples to support your argument.

Keeping the above in mind, identify and analyze the various emerging and recent changes and trends in the developed and developing nations such as South Pacific Island Countries labour markets and employment relations based on the cases reported in the press or media and online publications, national/regional or international reports as well as recent Industrial Relations Journals.

You need to bifurcate the discussion from the traditional and historical times of industrial relations to existing employment relations, for example - labour standards, new employment practices, employers' attitude towards trade unions, status of trade union movement, public policy on labor matters, trends in industrial disputes, collective bargaining, employers' associations, joint consultation and tripartite bodies, workers victimization and discrimination, strikes and lockouts, etc. Confine to the question and may use as many perspectives of your choice.

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Business Management: New employment practices and trends
Reference No:- TGS096994

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